Her People

A record of the people connected to Anahareo, by blood or by choice.

Marriage Records

Civil Registrations of marriage in Ontario began in 1869; prior to this, church registers were the only source of marriage information. Church marriage records are an interesting source of historical information regarding the parentage of the couple as well as whether or not the marriage was contested.

Papineau-Nelson   • Bernard-Ockiping   • Nelson-Legros   • Bernard-François   • Nelson-Langlois   • Bernard-Salter   • Bernard-Murphy

Catherine Papineau and John Bernard Nelson -- February 4, 1851

Record of marriage for Catherine Papineau and John Bernard Nelson, from the register of the Mission of the Lake of Two Mountains, Oka, 1851 (Drouin Collection)

Record of marriage for Catherine Papineau and John Bernard Nelson, from the register of the Mission of the Lake of Two Mountains, Oka, 1851 (Drouin Collection)

Although not all the words are legible, the entry for Catherine Papineau and John Bernard Nelson reads approximately as follows:

"Le quatre fevrier mil huit cent cinquant un après le publication d'un ban de mariage faite au prône de la messe solennelle de cette mission sans empêchement ni opposition, et après avoir dispensé les parties de la publication de deux autres bans en vertu du pouvoir accordés aux missionaires de sauvages, nous prêtre de paroisse soussigné avons reçu par paroles des présents leur mutuel consentement du mariage de Bernard Tionatakwente, [...] iroquois, domicilié en cette mission, fils majeur de Jean Baptiste [...] chef et de Marguerite [...], ses pêre et mêre [...] d'une part et de Catherine Pimatanokse [...], fille mineur de François Papineau, [...] Chef Nipissing consentant, et de Marie Anne Otickwekijikokwe, ses pêre et mêre [...] de cette [...] d'autre part, et nous les avons mariés [...] établis en la Sainte Église en presence de Jean Baptiste Anenhana soussigné et de François Papineau [...] et de plusieurs autres [...] et amis des epoux ont signés."

Translation: "The fourth of February eighteen fifty-one, after the publication of the bans of marriage at mass in this mission without opposition or obstruction, and after having exempted the parties from the publication of two other bans by virtue of the powers granted to Indian missionaries, I, the undersigned parish priest, have received the verbal consent of those present to the marriage of Bernard Tionatakwente, [...] Iroquois of this mission, adult son of Jean Baptiste [...] Chief and of Marguerite [...], his father and mother on one side, and of Catherine Pimatanokse [...], underage daughter of François Papineau, [...] Chief Nipissing who gives his consent, and of Marie Anne Otickwekijikokwe, her father and mother [...] of this [...] on the other side, and we married them [...] in the Holy Church in the presence of Jean Baptiste Anenhana, undersigned, and of François Papineau [...] and of several other [...] and friends of the married couple signed."

The signatures of the participants and priest follow but are not reproduced here as they are largely illegible.

Matthew Bernard & Mary Nash Ockiping -- September 2, 1890

Record of marriage for Matthew Bernard & Mary Nash Ockiping, courtesy of Kristin Gleeson.
Record of marriage for Matthew Bernard & Mary Nash Ockiping, courtesy of Kristin Gleeson.

The entry for Anahareo's mother and father reads approximately as follows:

"Le deux septembre mil neuf cent quatre vingt dix, nous prêtre soussigné vu la dispense de trois bans par nous accordés en vertu des pouvoirs reçu de Msgr. N. Z. Lorrain, avons reçu le mutuel consentement de mariage entre Matthieu Bernard, sauvage de la [...] fils majeure de Jean Bernard et de Catherine Papineau [...] et Marie Ockiping, fille mineure de Angelique Ockiping. Ne s'étant trouvé aucun empêchement avons leur donné la bénédiction nuptial en présence de Joseph [...] et de Paul Bernard."

Translation: "The second of September eighteen ninety, we the undersigned priest, given our dispensation of three bans by virtue of powers received from Reverend N. Z. Lorrain, have received the mutual consent of the marriage between Matthew Bernard, Indian of the [...], adult son of Jean Bernard and Catherine Papineau [...] and Marie Ockiping, underage daughter of Angelique Ockiping. Having found no obstructions, have given them the nuptial blessing in the presence of Joseph [...] and Paul Bernard."

Mary Ann Nelson and William Legros -- September 3, 1895

Record of marriage for Mary Ann Nelson and William Legros, from the Mattawa Catholic Register, 1891-1898, page 253
Record of marriage for Mary Ann Nelson and William Legros, from the Mattawa Catholic Register, 1891-1898, page 253

The entry for Anahareo's Aunt Mary Ann reads as follows:

"Le 3 September 1895, vu la dispense de un [sic] ban de mariage par nous accordée en vertu de pouvoir reçu de sa Grandeur Mgr. N. Z. Lorrain, vicaire apostolique de Pontiac, vu aussi le certificat de publication du Rev. M. Bloom, pasteur de North Bay, vu enfin la publication des deux bans de mariage entre William Legros, fils majeur de Jacques Legros [...] et de Mary Legros de North Bay d'une part, et de Mary Ann Narisson, fille majeur de [...] Bernard Narisson et de Catherine Papineau de cette paroisse d'autre part, ne s'étant rencontré aucun empêchement, nous, prêtre soussigné, avons reçus leur mutuel consentement de mariage et leurs avons donné la bénédiction nuptiale en présence de William [...], Agnes Decaire.

Mary Ann Lagroe

R. Gendreau, OMI."

Translation: "On September 3, 1895, given our dispensation of a ban of marriage by virtue of powers given to us by the Most Reverend Mgr. N. Z. Lorrain, vicar apostolic of Pontiac, given also the certificate of publication from Rev. M. Bloom of North Bay, and given the publication of two bans of marriage between William Legros, adult son of Jacques Legros [...] and of Mary Legros of North Bay on one hand, and Mary Ann Narisson, adult daughter of [...] Bernard Narisson and of Catherine Papineau of this parish on the other hand, having encountered no encumbrance, we, the undersigned priest, have received their mutual consent to marry and have given them the nuptial blessing in the presence of William [...], Agnes Decaire.

Mary Ann Lagroe.

R. Gendreau, OMI."

The second witness, Agnes Decaire, is likely Mary Ann's niece, and the daughter of her eldest sister Elizabeth, as identified in the 1911 Census.

Paul Bernard and Anastasia François -- February 12, 1907

Record of marriage for Paul Bernard and Anastasia François, from the Mattawa Catholic Register, 1898-1909, page 449-450.
Record of marriage for Paul Bernard and Anastasia François, from the Mattawa Catholic Register, 1898-1909, page 449-450.
Civil registration of the marriage of Paul Bernard and Anastasia François. Archives of Ontario; Series: MS932_129; Reel: 129.
Civil registration of the marriage of Paul Bernard and Anastasia François. Archives of Ontario; Series: MS932_129; Reel: 129.

The entry for Anahareo's Uncle Paul and Aunt Tessie reads as follows:

"Le douze février mil neuf cent sept, vu la dispense de trois bans de mariage accordée par le Révérend Père Nicholas Nelles Curé, en vertu de pouvoirs obtenus de sa Grandeur Mgr. N. Z. Lorrain, Évêque de Pembroke, pour le mariage entre Paul Bernard Nelson, fils majeur de Jean Paul Bernard Nelson et de Catherine Papineau de Mattawa d'une part, et Anastasia François, fille majeure de Louis François et de Angelique Baptiste aussi de cette paroisse de l'autre part, ne s'étant déclaré aucun empêchement, nous, prêtre soussigné, avons reçu leur mutuel consentement de mariage et leur avons donné la bénédiction nuptiale en présence de Matthew Nelson, frère du marié, et de Andrew Landen, beau-frère du marié, dont le premier seulement a signé avec nous, l'autre ayant déclaré ne le savoir.

Paul Bernard Nelson, Matt Nelson

P. Gagné, Prêtre, OMI."

Translation: "The twelfth of February 1907, following the dispensation of the three bans of marriage by the Reverend Father Nicholas Nelles by virtue of powers granted by the Most Reverend N. Z. Lorrain, Bishop of Pembroke, for the marriage between Paul Bernard Nelson, adult son of John Paul Bernard Nelson and of Catherine Papineau of Mattawa on one hand, and Anastasia François, adult daughter of Louis François and Angelique Baptiste, also of this parish, on the other hand, having declared no obstruction, we, the undersigned priest, have received their mutual consent to marriage and have given them the nuptial blessing in the presence of Matthew Nelson, brother of the groom, and Andrew Landen, brother-in-law of the groom, of which only the first signed, the other having declared being unable to write.

Paul Bernard Nelson, Matt Nelson,

P. Gagné, Priest, OMI."

The civil registration of the marriage indicates that Paul was 37 and Tessie, 21 when they were married.

Mary Ann Nelson and Charles Langlois -- November 16, 1908

Record of marriage for Mary Ann Nelson and Charles Langlois, from the Massey Catholic Register, 1908-1919, page 5
Record of marriage for Mary Ann Nelson and Charles Langlois, from the Massey Catholic Register, 1908-1919, page 5

Anahareo's Aunt Mary Ann remarried in 1908, at the age of 33. Her groom is 21-year-old Charles Langlois, a labourer from L'Ile-des-Alumettes. This record of marriage identifies Mary Ann's place of birth as Maynooth, Ontario.

Catherine Bernard and Alfred Salter -- September 12, 1911

Record of marriage for Catherine Bernard and Alfred Salter, from the Ottawa Catholic Register, 1910-1912, page 277.
Record of marriage for Catherine Bernard and Alfred Salter, from the Ottawa Catholic Register, 1910-1912, page 277.
Civil registration of the marriage of Catherine Bernard and Alfred Salter. Archives of Ontario; Series: MS932_152; Reel: 152.
Civil registration of the marriage of Catherine Bernard and Alfred Salter. Archives of Ontario; Series: MS932_152; Reel: 152.

The entry for the marriage of Anahareo's Aunt Kate to Alfred Salter reads as follows:

"Le douze septembre mil neuf cent onze, on la [sic] permission accordé par Monseigneur N. Z. Lorrain, Évêque de Pembroke, nous avons [...] à la cérémonie de mariage de Alfred Salter, Méthodiste, fils majeur de James Salter de North Bay d'une part et de Catherine Bernard, Catholique de Mattawa, Diocèse de Pembroke, fille majeure de B. Bernard et de Catherine Papineau de Mattawa d'autre part, avec la permission de Mgr. Lorrain et la délégation de Monseigneur l'archévêque d'Ottawa, nous avons reçu leur mutuel consentement en présence du Rev. M [...] et George Roy.

Alfred Salter, Catherine Bernard

J. Lebeau, Prêtre, George Roy, J.P. Routhier [...]"

Translation: "The twelfth of September 1911, with permission granted by Monseigneur N. Z. Lorrain, Bishop of Pembroke, we [...] in the marriage ceremony of Alfred Salter, Methodist, adult son of James Salter of North Bay on one hand and of Catherine Bernard, Catholic of Mattawa, Diocese of Pembroke, adult daughter of [...] Bernard and Catherine Papineau of Mattawa on the other hand, with the permission of Mgr. Lorrain and the delegation of the Archbishop of Ottawa, we received their mutual consent in the presence of the Reverend M. [...] and George Roy.

Alfred Salter, Catherine Bernard

J. Lebeau, Priest, George Roy, J.O. Routhier [...]"

Johanna Bernard and Harry Murphy -- October 27, 1919

Record of marriage for Johanna Bernard and Harry Murphy, from the Mattawa Catholic Register, 1910-1925, page 479.
Record of marriage for Johanna Bernard and Harry Murphy, from the Mattawa Catholic Register, 1910-1925, page 479.
Ontario Registrations of Marriages, 1869-1928. Archives of Ontario; Series: MS932_497; Reel: 497
Civil registration of the marriage of Johanna Bernard and Harry Murphy. Ontario Registrations of Marriages, 1869-1928. Archives of Ontario; Series: MS932_497; Reel: 497

The entry for the marriage of Anahareo's sister Johanna to Harry Murphy reads as follows:

"This twenty-seventh day of October 1919, we the undersigned received the consent to marriage of Harry Murphy (38), son of age of Eduard Murphy, Anglican, and Laura Beardsley of Woodstock, and Johanna Bernard (18), daughter of Mathias Bernard and Mary McNash, in presence of Mathias Bernard and Mrs. Paul Bernard.

Matt Bernard, Mrs. Paul Bernard, Harry Murphy, Johanna Bernard

J. N. Duquette, P.P."

The licence and record of marriage indicates that Harry was a 37-year-old clerk from Woodstock, Ontario, an Anglican, and the son of Eduard Murphy and Laura Beardsley. Johanna was a 21-year-old spinster from Mattawa, whose parents were Matthew Bernard (also written on the certificate as Matthias Bernard) and Mary McNash.

One of the witnesses, Mrs. Paul Bernard, is presumably Johanna's Aunt Tessie.